The Binanga Falls in Shilan, La Trinidad, Benguet

Confession time: I’ve lived all my life in La Trinidad (give or take a couple of years), and I never even knew there are waterfalls located within a 6-kilometer radius. Like, it takes less than half an hour to get there. And here I thought my level of awareness was relatively, well, respectable. But still, it’s good to be surprised at times, and this is one type of surprise I wouldn’t mind getting. Continue reading “The Binanga Falls in Shilan, La Trinidad, Benguet”

[JP18] Watching the Sun Rise from the Top of Mt. Fuji

In [checks the time] less than 2 hours, I’d be hitting the road to chase an elusive summer. Down south, this time, under the guise of a business trip, but really squeezing in as much pleasure side trip as we can. ‘Cuz that’s just how we roll. But! Before that, let me just wrap up my Mt. Fuji experience, which I shared about in my several most recent posts.
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[JP18] Staying the Night at the 8th Station Tomoekan in Mt. Fuji

I just realized this earlier: it’s almost the middle of the year. Da*n. Time sure flies so fast I’m getting a whiplash. And the soles of my feet are itching once again. I sure miss those few times I’ve experienced lying under the stars, al fresco, with just me and nature (and everyone else, but they hardly matter when you’re in the zone, right?). Considering the climate at the summit (or close to it) of Mt. Fuji, that’s not something that can be done. Unfortunately.

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[JP18] Climbing Mt. Fuji via Yoshida Trail

I wouldn’t say that I did a lot of research before climbing Mt. Fuji. Sure, I looked into the logistics part of it, weighed options (that would mean less expenditure, primarily), and looked at the basics on what to do and what not to do. Other than that, nothing else. I saw some clips off a few Japanese TV shows (thanks, Arashi and Nakai-san!) showing a glimpse of the trail experience and read some blogs. But no more than that. This was one of those things that I was just partly winging. (And before I proceed, lemme just say CONGRATULATIONS BTS AND ARMY FOR THE BBMAs TOP SOCIAL ARTIST BACK-TO-BACK-TO-BACK WIN AND THE FIRST EVER TOP GROUP AWARD! *proudArmyNoonarighthurrr*)

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